
Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me..."

Matthew 19:14

Children are a very important part of life at Newington!  They are treasured blessings to the whole congregation.   Children are divided by age for the 9:00 am Sunday morning classes, 0-3 yr old's, 4 yr old's-First Grade, 2nd-5th Grade, and 6thGrade and up.  There is a weekday preschool at Newington for 3 and 4 year old children in the Middle Peninsula community.  Wednesday evenings are time of learning, fun and worship for children in Kindergarten through 5th grade in Kids Life, meeting in the children's wing.   COR3 Youth, for students in 6th through 12th grade meets upstairs in the youth room.  During the worship service KidsWorship is a special program available for children that are 4 years old through 5th grade.  There is also a nursery available for the younger children.  All children are also welcome to stay in the sanctuary with their parents through part or the entire worship service .  
JOY Sunday School

Sunday Mornings


Sunday School has classes for everyone!  Birth to 2 years are loved on and cared for in the nursery.  Three to five year old children are busy learning in the preschool room.  K to 5th grade are studying the Bible beginning to end.


Children are invited to stay for the whole Sunday Worship time in the sanctuary or they may leave their parents and go to KidsWorship,  a special time of worship for children only.

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